Sunday 26 January 2014


And now that the left hand
So virtuously and sublimely
Knows not what the right is doing
Has hell then been kept at bay?

For these unwitting rememberings of you
Ever so recurrent, ever so imprecisely tender
Ah! do you even suppose my volatile memory
Capable of knowing what those are doing?

That my fanatically amnesiac memory
A positively unknowing left hand
Is any less so determinedly poised
For the vaunted beatific vision?

And in this that what the right hand is doing
Is precisely bringing its doing to left hand’s knowledge
Bringing these unsought rememberings of you
To the unconscious memory’s awareness

In this that very heaven itself
Is precisely left hand’s knowing what the right is about
Precisely the unknowing memory’s becoming aware
Of the doing of these self-imposing rememberings of you

How may hell, then, be securely kept at bay?
What paradise may the sublime virtue of unknowingness avail
If these rememberings of you in my blank memory
Are themselves fiery flames in a volatile combustion abyss?

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