Wednesday 9 October 2013


Even this
your grouchily long and severely warped face
is a most fortunate display, son
trudging all these varied and vicious paths
this whole course of your laden days’
systematically increasingly weighted sojourn—
the mind-racking agonies
born of its pussy-footed mornings
the flesh-scalding rashnesses
born of its morbidly desperate afternoons
eternally threatened with the trampling disaster.

An infinitely multifaceted disaster you have known
severally and intimately vicariously
in Onyeolusi your neighbour sojourner
a one who could only barely crawl his way
through all of these paths’ rampant dangers
his groundward face shorn by the rough earth
from tireless trampling
under ever accumulating survival-drunk feet—
a convulsed cruelty your own even favoured feet
have not been any soberer to eschew—
till a fatal facelessness compounded his handicap.

Every so often did you and the trampling disaster elude one another
just as if Joshua’s unprejudiced dice
were congenitally incapable of ever crossing you
even on your sojourn’s most inscrutable nights
when grim groping was alone the means
to steer your blind floundering feet from consummate faceoff
along these crescent-steady ravenous paths
vouchsafing you this gratuitous and intimate knowledge
that though you wear it so grouchily long
it already is most fortunate to have been spared
even this your severely warped face to display, son.

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